Edulink is coming to Townsend!
You may already be aware of Edulink from other schools. It is a great app that can be accessed on mobile devices or on computers, which will keep you informed on important information on your child or children.
Next Wednesday (17th January) you will receive an email inviting you to log-in and there will be a week’s window in which to log on. There will also be a short video to watch to explain the purpose and benefits of Edulink.
Once logged in, you will be able to see information, such as, your child’s timetable, attendance for AM and PM registration, achievement and behaviour points, detentions, and most importantly (and the main reason for launching this app)…details of their homework! Staff are now setting homework on Edulink with details of the task, a submission date, an indication of how long it might take and any relevant links that might lead to materials stored on Google Classroom. You will also be able to report any absence on the app. More features will come online in the weeks ahead.
All students will have logged in to their own accounts by 17th January. It is being launched year group by year group (10th Jan: Year 11, 11th Jan: Year 8, 12th Jan: Year 7, 15th Jan: Year 10, 16th Jan: Year 9). Most year 12 and 13 students are already logged on. Students can access their information from their phones at home or on the way to and from school, but not in school as phones must remain out of sight during the school day.
Watch out for the email and log in when it comes!
Mrs Line (Deputy Headteacher) & Mrs Hawkins (Data Manager)