Policies and Statutory Information
If you require any information from our school website as a paper copy, please contact the school who will be pleased to provide this for you.
Statutory Information
Below is a set of quick links to the documents that we are required to publish on our website by the Department for Education and may be useful for Ofsted inspections, parents or other interested parties.
School or college contact details
Headteacher: Mr A Flack
Chair of Governors: Mrs H Quenet
SENCO: Ms A Philpott
Admission arrangements
Exclusion arrangements
Behaviour Management Policy 2023-24
Financial Information
Ofsted and SIAMS Inspection Reports
Exam & assessment results
GOV.UK school performance tables
Pupil Premium
Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)
Accessibility Audit & Plan 2021-2024
Equality information and objectives
Governors’ information
Charging and remissions
Policy listed above
Values and ethos
Collective Worship & Spiritual Development Policy
Summer School Statement
Summer School Information Statement