Raise funds for our new chapel in memory of Mr Wellbeloved Click For Info

High Oaks, St. Albans, Hertfordshire, AL3 6DR | Tel: 01727 853047 | Email: admin@townsend.herts.sch.uk
Raise funds for our new chapel in memory of Mr Wellbeloved Click For Info
At Townsend Church of England School we are committed to delivering the best possible education for our students. The school is inclusive in its outlook, and innovative in its engagement with students, parents and carers and the wider community.
We provide a safe and calm learning environment where every person matters, where no child is left behind and where every child has the opportunity to succeed. Furthermore, we are committed to ensuring that the learner is at the heart of everything we do. All students are encouraged to have high aspirations and to follow an ambitious school curriculum.
I am privileged to lead a dedicated team of teachers and support staff who value the many and varied achievements of all students, including academic and wider successes. We recognise that everyone learns differently and that making mistakes and taking risks are both integral parts of the learning experience.
I am extremely proud to be the Headteacher at Townsend Church of England School. I truly believe we are an excellent school and we aspire to be the first choice of secondary school for all
Townsend School is an outstanding school with excellent qualities of visionary Christian leadership and management at all levels.
The development of a strong culture is a vital part of our schools. We believe that pupils need to be provided with opportunities to develop as young people, to gain a sense of community, and to experience and share success with others. One way in which we provide such opportunities is through our House System.
All pupils receive strong levels of support, guidance and care and they feel highly valued as a result. They are proud of their school and clearly enjoy it. They behave extremely well.