Townsend Church of England School is a Voluntary Aided School and it is the school Governors who decide who will be admitted to the school.
The Governors will admit 150 students to Year 7 each September. The school wishes to protect its Christian character and ethos but also warmly welcomes applications from the wider community.
Priority Areas as defined by the County Council for Community Schools do not apply to this Voluntary Aided Church School. As Townsend is the only Church of England secondary school in this part of Hertfordshire we welcome applications from a very wide area. Distance from the school is not a criterion for admission unless we are over-subscribed when it is used as a tiebreaker.
In the event of more applications being received than there are places available, it will be necessary to operate a scheme of allocation. This will be done using the criteria set out below. Places will be allocated by the Governing Body in the order indicated.
Should there be over-subscription within any one priority group within a category, then the deciding factor in that priority group will be the distance from the school to the home. This distance will be measured by the County Council with a computerised mapping system using the method described in the County admission literature. (The Moving On book). Those with the shortest journey by a designated route will be given priority.
Admission Policies 2024/25
In year Admission Policy 2024/2025
In Year, applications should be made using the Local Authority form and returned directly to the local authority. The local Authority, Hertfordshire County Council, co-ordinates the process on behalf of the governing body. The Local Authority will inform parents of the outcome of the application.
When the school admissions team receive an application on the Hertfordshire Admission System, and we have space in that year, we will contact you.
We will need the last 2 years of end of Year reports, these should be sent to and should be from a UK school or from a school abroad and you can also any other send information about your child (or ward if you are the guardian) which you feel maybe useful.
We will then make an appointment for you and your child/ward to come and meet with the relevant Head of Year, at the meeting you will have a tour and then a meeting will be held with both you and your child/ward.
A place then will be offered to you based on the visit and meeting. Once a place is offered to you, then a start date will be given. Start date will be a Thursday of the following week.
Information will be given to the parent prior to starting which includes timetable, school calendar, uniform policy etc.
Post 16 Admissions (Year 12 and Year 13 – 6th Form)
Students are very welcome to transfer to this school and to join our active 6th Form. Application can be made by contacting our Head of Post 16 Education (Years 12/13) at the school to arrange an appointment.
For an application form, please e-mail the school office at:
Admission Arrangements 2025/26
Admission Appeals
Should you not be offered a place, you have a legal right of Appeal against the Governors’ decision to an independent panel. In this event, you should first contact the Head Teacher. HCC have published a timeline for appeals and this can be viewed here: