Our extensive co-curricular provision allows students to learn new skills, develop new interests and discover what brings them joy beyond academic study. We encourage all students to involve themselves in at least one co-curricular activity each term. Many activities are run during lunch break and others take place after school.
For details of times, venues and staff in charge of clubs and activities please refer to the latest termly co-curricular timetable. Please note that this timetable may be subject to change.
Co-Curricular Clubs – Spring Term 2024 – 2025
Please note: clubs are subject to change and availability but staff will notify students of any changes. Teachers will advertise times/locations and any changes when necessary and appropriate.
*For lunch time sports clubs students will need to get their lunch quickly (or bring a packed lunch) and come to the area with their trainers
*For swimming students will need to bring a packed lunch on the day, come straight to the pool at the end of the lesson and bring their swimming kit and towel
*For after school sports clubs students will need to bring full PE kit and go to the appropriate changing room for the club
*sports clubs taking part in the gym will be not run during the exam periods.