Our Designated Teacher for Looked After Children
Miss L Gibbons
Assistant Headteacher
Designated teacher for Children In Care and Children Previously Looked After
Children In Care – A child who has been in the care of their local authority for more than 24 hours.
Children previously Looked After – A child who was in care to an English or Welsh local authority at the point at which they were adopted, made subject to a Special Guardianship Order (SGO), or a Child Arrangements Order (previously Residency Order). This does not include children where they are previously looked after and have returned to the care of their birth families.
Care Leaver – someone who has been in the care of the Local Authority for a period of 13 weeks or more spanning their 16th birthday.
The Care Leaver Covenant is a Government strategic pledge to provide support for care leavers aged 16-25 to help them live independently. Please see the Care Leaver Covenant Website for access to information and opportunities.