Expectations of Students
School work in the Sixth Form is different from previous years. You are expected to take a more independent approach to your work and do things because you see the value in them rather than because you have been told to.
Work Expectations
Students who succeed in the Sixth Form are often characterised by their approach to their studies. They will be self motivated, good organisers of their time, meet deadlines and can always be relied upon to do their best.
Make sure that you are aware of the requirements of the course and the specification. Use this information to guide your progress through the year.
If you have ‘spare time’, make sure that it is not wasted. If you have completed work set by the teacher do some extra work. You could research the next topic to be studied or start writing revision notes. The study room is a place where you can achieve this. This is a silent, well resourced area, which supports your independent learning.
Make sure that you use any text books or resources provided by the teacher. Make your own notes from appropriate passages of the texts.
If a teacher is away from school and you do not have a lesson – do not use it as an opportunity to do nothing! Use the study room and complete additional work for your studies.
No student should ever say, “I don’t have anything to do”! You might not have been asked to do a specific task – but there will always be things you could do that would benefit your progress. You can always start your revision programme – even in September!
Always act on any advice or comments provided by your teachers and tutors. Ensure that you always respond to the ‘EBI’ comments made by your teachers.
Make sure that in the future you do not look back with regrets about the way you approached your studies in the Sixth Form.
Folder and book expectations
- Prepare yourself with a lever arch file for each subject. Some subjects may give you books as well; however, you will need a folder to keep yourself organised.
- Folders will be checked by classroom teachers and throughout the year by the Head of Sixth Form.
- Your folders should be kept in good order, with work neatly filed as this will help you when you come to revise for class tests, internal and external exams. There will be a folder check sheet for both your folders for each subject.
- You will have one folder for work and one folder for your assessments. There is shelving in the study room for you to store your folders. Folders must be available to look at when requested by Head of Sixth Form or teachers
General Expectations
Common-sense, courtesy and consideration for other people should dictate behaviour in the Sixth Form. As Sixth Formers, you are expected to set an example to the rest of the School. Expectations are different to lower school but should be adhered to at all times.
Attendance and Punctuality
The minimum attendance figure is 96%. If you fall below this without a good reason, parents will be asked to attend a meeting with the Head of Sixth Form.
Where a student may have poor attendance, this will be discussed with the student and the parent/carer. Steps will be taken to improve attendance, such as attendance and punctuality report. If attendance does not improve and falls below 80%, we may look to withdraw you from your programme of study or you may be asked to pay for the exam entry. This would be a last resort and we would hope by working with students and parents/ carers that we can improve attendance.
Year 12 and Year 13 students are expected to attend school all day, from 8:45am until 3.25pm Home study will only be agreed for Y13 students following a meeting between parents, students and the Head of Sixth Form.
Registration and Assemblies
Registration takes place in tutor groups at 8.45 a.m. and 1.55 p.m. Attendance is compulsory for all students. Furthermore, students must sign out at the school reception when leaving the premises for any reason and upon return students must sign back in. This includes break and lunchtimes. This procedure is vital in case of an emergency.
Exemplary Behaviour
This is expected of all members of the Sixth Form at all times in order to help maintain an appropriately disciplined atmosphere in school. If you witness any inappropriate behaviour on the part of younger students, please respond in a responsible manner. This applies to the school buses as well as the school premises.
Students are strongly advised not to bring valuables to school. If valuables are brought into school, they should only be used in the Sixth Form Centre. At other times they should be out of sight of other students.
The Study Room
This is a well resources space for learning. Students may use the Study Room at any time during the school day. Students should use this room for silent study so as not to disturb others; group work should be carried out in an alternative room. No food or drink is to be consumed in this room.
The Common Room
Students may use the Common Room during breaks and lunchtimes and for half an hour before and after school. Students are expected to show consideration to others in the way they look after and use the common room. Audio equipment should not be used during lesson times.
Food and drink may only be consumed in the dining rooms and Common Room. Students are asked to clear away any rubbish after eating and leave the place clean and tidy.
All students share in the responsibility of keeping the room tidy. Each form takes turns for tidying the Common Room at the end of lunchtime each day.
Consortium transport
This is provided for students who are taking subjects within the consortium. The school mini-bus driver will co-ordinate the transport arrangements, and students must liaise with him regarding their requirements. Students who use their own cars to attend lessons must inform the Head of Post-16 Education and are firmly instructed that they should only give lifts to fellow students within the limitations of their motor insurance policy.
If you are absent from school for any reason you should inform your form tutor as soon as possible. If you know in advance that you will be away from school you should inform your teachers in advance in order to catch up any work missed.
Driving Lessons
Students are not permitted to book driving lessons during timetabled lessons. You may, however, take your driving test during school time providing the Head of Sixth Form and your form teacher have been informed in advance.
Many students will successfully pass their driving tests and may wish to attend school by car. Each one must obtain the permission of the Head of Sixth Form. No cars are to be parked in the school grounds without permission and registration. Sixth Formers must only use the car parking areas designated for Sixth Form use. Cars must be driven at slow speed and with extreme care within the school grounds. To reduce inconvenience to local residents, students should not park on the roads immediately surrounding the school.
Part-time work
Many students have part time jobs, some of which can be a step in their training for life e.g. helping at a nursing home if wishing to follow nursing as a career. Many evening jobs however, with long hours spent doing unskilled work, can have a ‘draining’ effect and result in tiredness and poor performance at school. It is important to achieve a proper balance in this area, possibly with a weekend rather than a weekday (evening) job. Ten hours per week is a recommended maximum for Sixth Form students. Students should bear in mind their responsibilities, financial and personal, to their parents, to the school and to themselves.
External visitors
Under no circumstances are you allowed to invite people into school who do not currently go to school at Townsend, this includes any students who may have left Townsend at the end of Y11 or throughout Y12/Y13. Any incidents where this happens, will not be taken lightly.
Students are allowed to go off-site during break and lunch times, they must sign in and out on the sheet outside Head of Sixth form office.