Learning Support
Townsend Church of England School is a fully inclusive school and the Learning Support Department works in collaboration with other departments in the school to ensure support is offered to all students with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND).
All teachers are teachers of students with SEND and teaching SEND students is therefore a whole school responsibility, requiring a whole school response.
As a school we are committed to the belief that every child is an individual who brings something special to the school community. All students, regardless of ability, background or ethnicity, have the right to participate in and enjoy all aspects of school life, and have the opportunity to meet their full potential. In line with our ‘Respect for All’ statement, we strive to raise the aspirations and attainment of all students.
The Learning Support Department is led by the Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENCo) Anna Philpott with the assistance of Tracy Sibley (Inclusion Manager) and a team of learning support assistants with the training and experience to support a range of needs, including autism, ADHD, Speech Language and Communication difficulties, and Visual and Hearing Impairments. We work collaboratively with the Wellbeing Lead, Teachers, Directors of Learning (subject and year), Senior Leadership and outside agencies, to meet the learning needs of students.
Admissions to Townsend Church of England School, including for students with education, health and care plans (EHCP’s), disabilities and Looked after Children, are coordinated by the Local Education Authority, Hertfordshire County Council. A copy of our Admissions Policy can be found on the school website. The SEND Information Report explains our approach to supporting students with SEND and how students access any additional help that they need.
If you have any queries please contact Learning Support by emailing sen217@townsend.herts.sch.uk or phoning 01727 853047 and a member of the Inclusion team will get back to you as soon as possible.
Hertfordshire County Council Local Offer
Services for parents, carers and families (hertfordshire.gov.uk) From this page you can find all the different types of support that parents and carers of children and young people with SEND might be able to access, including information on support groups, mental health, parenting courses and how to access services such as SENDIASS.
Getting help at school from your SENCO (hertfordshire.gov.uk) This page explains what the role of a SENCO is, and how parents and SENCOs can work together to achieve the best results for a pupil.
If your child is too anxious to go to school (hertfordshire.gov.uk) This page is designed to help parents whose children’s attendance is low due to anxiety, and has advice on how to support them and where to go for help.
Contact a SEND service (hertfordshire.gov.uk) This page has contact details of the different SEND services, including details of Advice Line for EPs, the SLCA team, the SpLD team and others.
New to SEND (hertfordshire.gov.uk) This page has information and advice for those whose children have just been diagnosed with SEND, or have suspected SEND.