Safeguarding the wellbeing of all students is something we take very seriously at Townsend Church of England School.
Miss L Gibbons
Assistant Headteacher
Designated Safeguarding Lead
All staff have a shared responsibility for safeguarding and schools have a duty to ensure that they promote the safety and welfare of children.
If you have a concern about the safety or well-being of any child, group of children or family that might be vulnerable to radicalisation or violent extremism, please speak immediately to the Headteacher, the Designated Safeguarding Lead or any of the Safeguarding Team.
Your concerns will be treated with confidence.
Visitors please email:
Staff: Please record concerns on CPOMS
Students: contact your Form Tutor, Director of Learning or a trusted adult.
Local Authority Customer Service Centre:
Telephone: 0300 123 4043
Mrs G Llewellyn
Deputy Headteacher
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead
Mr M Tominey
Head of Sixth Form
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead
Mr M Armitage
Assistant Headteacher
Mrs K Brooks
Assistant Headteacher
Mr D Hawkins
Head of Year 7
Mr A King
Head of Year 10
Miss A Philpott
Mr R Potter
Head of Media Studies
Mrs V Jennison
All staff who work at the school have a role to play in safeguarding and receive formal training every three years, although safeguarding items are regularly on the agenda during briefings and Pastoral Team meetings. The Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) and Deputies (DDSLs) receive more regular training and are trained regularly on current and contextual safeguarding issues.
Any of our Team can be contacted through the school office – by telephone or by using email to
There is a lot of information about safe practice with regards remote learning and use of the internet – please do access what you can so children remain safe while using lap tops and PCs at home.
Two particular websites that support schools are CEOP and Think You Know
Do have a look at both for tips and advice.
Do you know how to keep your children safe online? Take a look at the UK Safer Internet Centre’s guides to parents and carers to ensure your children are safe online.