Student Wellbeing
Here are details of websites and other resources that both students and parents may find useful in supporting their wellbeing.
Healthy Young Minds in Herts is a website that contains information on many services that can provide help for children and young people who may be experiencing emotional or mental health difficulties and has separate sections for young people and parents & carers
Young Minds – This website has lots of information to support young people as well as guidance for parents/carers
Childline – ‘online and on the ‘phone, anytime’
NHS Wellbeing Service – The Adult Community Mental Health Services provides a Wellbeing Service that offers free and confidential talking therapy and practical support for Hertfordshire residents (over 16) experiencing a wide range of mental health problems such as: worry, low mood, insomnia and stress. If you feel that you would benefit from the service, are over 16 years and are registered with a GP in Hertfordshire, you can self-refer via this website.
Herts Young Homeless – This is a Hertfordshire charity providing services to support vulnerable people. Their focus is on preventing homelessness and they can provide family mediation.
Samaritans – Information on their website re. ‘how we can help’ or telephone 116 123, 24 hours a day, every day.
Just Talk – Information and support for young people and parents with concerns regarding Mental Health
Hertfordshire Beacon Victim Care Service – provides support to anyone who has been affected by crime. The current situation may have a huge impact on someone’s ability to cope and recover from a crime or incident. They are still providing support via phone and email to victims and witnesses, regardless of how long ago the crime happened or whether it has been reported to the police. Please see website for further information.