Year Group Notices Year 7
Year 7 have continued showing outstanding effort and attitude to learning here at Townsend School.
This week students have had their form and individual photos taken. They were all looked very smart and behaved impeccably. They also had the opportunity to attend the new launch of the Discovery Centre where they could socialise with other students, play board games, read, do arts and craft and many more fun activities.
Over the past two weeks year 7 have been going for lunch at 1pm whilst they settle into secondary school life. This has now finished and they will be going for lunch at the same time as the rest of the school 1:15pm.
Finally, it was very pleasing to see many Year 7 students attend the Cross Country event on Tuesday and Thursday where they performed fantastically well and did themselves and the school very proud.
Dates for your diary:
- 18th September – Football Trials (kick off at 3:50pm and finish at 4:45pm)
- 20th September – Early finish (12:30) due to Open Evening
- 25th September – Boys friendly Football match versus Nicolas Breakspear at Townsend
School. (Kick off at 4pm) - 27th September – Year 7 Information Evening – 17:00 – 18:30 (more detailed information
to follow) - 28th September – Dedication Cathedral Service – 14:00 – 15:00. Students need to be
picked up from the cathedral at 15:00.
Thank you,
Mr Brooks
(Head of Year 7)