School PTA
Dear Parent Carers,
I hope you are well, and by now your children have settled into the new school year.
Last week our new head Mr Flack sent out a parent mail to gauge interest from parent/carers who wished to join our PTA and help to develop its activities. Thank you for those who have responded so far. We could still do with a few people to help in various ways.
We are hoping in the near future to have anyone who volunteers and is available to help at our consultation evenings to serve refreshments and sell Festive Hamper Tombola tickets.
We are also running a Christmas Festive Stall on two lunchtimes in the last week of term selling seasonal items for students and teachers to buy as presents for family and friends.
We are also looking for help at our annual shows, displays and concerts. Any new ideas for fundraiser are also gratefully considered. If you wish to join our band of volunteers please contact the school at or leave a message and we will be in touch.
You could also help supporting us by contributing to the Hamper Tombola and The Christmas Festive Shop. For the hampers we need festive food items, (in date please), vouchers, alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks, (Winning hampers will have to be collected by an adult) Christmas Crackers, chocolates and sweets, preserves and Christmas novelty items.
For the Christmas Festive Shop if any of you can supply through a company, a contact or your own goodwill any present type items will be gratefully received.
Lastly we are looking for sponsors of our annual Christmas tree and lights (some got storm damaged last year). Any contribution will help.
Please make cheques out to Townsend C of E School PTA.
Please remember that all monies raised benefits students.
Many Thanks
Ian Graham
Vice Chair PTA (Friends of Townsend)