Abbey Service – 14th February 2024
We will be attending the cathedral for an Ash Wednesday service on Wednesday 14th February at 2pm.
Parents/carers are welcome to attend. Please let the office know you would like to reserve a seat via admin@
All students will be attending, travelling from school to the cathedral by coach. For the next service in May, we will be walking to the abbey.
As per usual, students will be going home straight from the cathedral. There will be no Barnetts or Motts buses that afternoon.
There will, though, be transport for students, who need to be collected from school. If your child requires being brought back to school, please contact by Friday 9th February to arrange a space. We cannot guarantee a space on a minibus if notified after this date.
For this service, we will be collecting donations for Stop the Traffik, a UK-founded international charity that works to prevent human trafficking and ensuring fair working conditions around the world, for example, in the chocolate industry. Donations can be made via School Gateway or in cash at school during form time collections or in the service. Further information on Stop the Traffik! can be found on this YouTube link, which will also be shown to students next week
Supporting this charity further demonstrates our Bible-based vision of ‘love your neighbour’, linked to the parable of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37)

Kindest regards,
Mrs Line
Deputy Headteacher