Year 11- Exam Timetable Information
Year 11 students were given a hard copy of their personal GCSE examination timetable on Thursday.
Their GCSE timetables can also be found on their Google Classroom and EduLink. Please take the time to check their timetables, please note the accuracy, for such things as their name (the name that is on their timetable will be the name on their certificates), DOB and their exam entries.
Please also make sure that your child has been entered for correct subjects and correct level for their Maths and Science subjects.
If there are any errors and any changes that need to be made students will need to speak to their form tutors, head of year (Mr Still) or the exams officer as soon as possible and no later than Thursday 29th February for the correct changes to be made.
Mrs Kovacevic
Exams Officer