‘Oliver’ Show- Tickets on sale!
Our ‘Oliver’ show is coming up!
We have two shows this year, one will be on Thursday 20th and the other on Friday 21st June 2024 both starting at 7pm.
How to purchase tickets
Tickets are £8 per adult and £5per child and can be purchased on School Gateway (please do not send cash to school). On School Gateway, please ensure you book for your preferred date (either Thursday the 20th of June or Friday the 21st of June) and calculate the correct amount for the number of adult and child tickets you require on that date. For example, if you require three adult tickets please pay £24 in the adult section, if you require two child tickets please pay £10 in the child section. The numbers are limited to 250 spaces per performance and will be sold on a first come, first served basis. To gain entry upon arrival on the performance night, your name will be checked against our master payment list.
Mrs Coates
Head of Drama