Health and Social Care
In Health and Social Care we aim to develop an understanding in the broad range of work in the Health and Social Care sector, providing students with key opportunities to apply their knowledge to real life situations.
Students will develop a range of transferable skills they can take into all aspects of their careers and lives such as, teamwork, communication, problem solving, time management and the knowledge of how a variety of factors can affect the lives of people requiring support in health and social care.
Course Details
BTEC Level 3 Nationals Health and Social Care Extended Diploma
Specification –
Course Description
The BTEC Health and Social Care course requires students to study a range of Units which include developing their knowledge and understanding of how the human body changes over life span, skills and behaviours required for working in the health and social care sector, principles of safe practice and the importance of respecting individual differences and meeting the needs of service users ,as well as anatomy and physiology and exploring current research into health using both classroom study and includes a work experience placement for extended diploma.
Extended Diploma
- Equivalent to 3 A Levels (1080 GLH)
- 13 Units – 8 Mandatory Units, 4 of which are externally assessed through exams or supervised research projects. 5 optional units
Programme of Study
The course Units are delivered over a two-year programme
Extended Diploma
Mandatory Units
- Human Lifespan Development – external exam
- Working in Health and Social Care – external exam
- Anatomy and physiology for health and social care – external exam
- Enquiries into Research in Health & Social Care – externally assessed supervised research project
- Meeting Individual Care and Support Needs – Internally assessed coursework
- Work Experience in Health and Social Care – Internally assessed coursework
- Principles of Safe Practice in Health and Social care – Internally assessed coursework
- Promoting Public Health – Internally assessed coursework
Optional Units
Choose 2-3 internally assessed units from Section A:
- 11 – Psychological Perspectives
- 14 – Physiological Disorders and their care
- 19 – Nutritional Health
- 20 – Understanding Mental Well-being
Choose 2-3 internally assessed units from Section B:
- 10 – Sociological Perspectives
- 12 – Supporting Individuals with Additional Needs
- 18 – Assessing Children’s development support needs
Externally Assessed Exams (2 resit options available for exams)
Unit 1 – 90glh
- 5 hour exam
- 90 marks
- taken in January of year 12
Unit 2 – 120glh
- 5 hour exam
- 80 marks
- taken in May/June of year 12
Unit 3 – 120glh
- 5 hour exam
- 90 marks
- taken in January of year 13
Unit 4 – 120glh
- Students will be provided with a research article (Part A) 4 weeks prior to the supervised assessment period in order to carry out secondary research
- Students should compile notes on their secondary research in monitored sessions of 6 hours, scheduled by the school
- The supervised assessment period (Part B) is undertaken in a single morning session of 3 hours
- 65 marks
- taken in May/June of year 13
Internally Assessed Coursework Units
These coursework units are delivered across the two year course, with specific deadlines for tasks given to students at the start of each unit. Students must hand in their tasks by the deadline date, and will be given 1 chance on each unit to improve their grade within a week of feedback being provided. Students are assessed against grading criteria to achieve a Pass, Merit or Distinction Standard. Each unit will be awarded different marks for achieving a Pass, Merit or Distinction based on their guided learning hours (glh), and the content required to complete the unit assessment.
- Unit 5 – 90glh
- Unit 6 – 60glh
- Unit 7 – 90glh
- Unit 8 – 90glh
- Unit 10 – 60glh
- Unit 11 – 60glh
- Unit 12 – 60glh
- Unit 14 – 60glh
- Unit 18 – 60glh
- Unit 19 – 60glh
- Unit 20 – 60glh
Home Learning
Students will be given homework tasks each week to complete, these will be set on Show My Homework and include activities such as:
- Watch a T.V programme or film or read an article on health or social care issue and write notes to feedback to class
- Complete a quiz on google classroom to check understanding of a topic
- Answer exam questions on a topic
- Research a specific topic, such as legislation related to health and social care
- Create a presentation to deliver in class on a topic such as the impact of ageing on intellectual development or development of fine motor skills during early childhood
- As well as completing the weekly homework tasks, students should be reading through their class notes after each lesson to check what they understood, so they can ask their teacher questions or for more help if needed, as well as to help them store the information learnt in their long term memory.
- To help them with revision for the exams, students should create revision resources for each topic as they are learning them, rather than leave it all to the end, as this will save them time when revising and also help store the information in their long term memory as they will be recalling it more regularly.
Where can Health and Social Care take you
The Health and Social Care courses help develop many employability skills, including:
- cognitive and problem-solving skills – critical thinking, approach non-routine problems applying expert and creative solutions, use systems and technology
- intrapersonal skills – communicating, working collaboratively, negotiating and influencing, self-presentation
- interpersonal skills – self-management, adaptability and resilience, self-monitoring and development
The Health and Social Care courses provide transferable knowledge and skills that prepare learners for progression to university:
- the ability to learn independently
- the ability to research actively and methodically
- to be able to give presentations and be active group members.
- effective writing
- analytical skills
- preparation for assessment methods used in degrees.
Further Study
- BSc (Hons) in Nursing or Midwifery
- BA (Hons) in Social Work
- BSc (Hons) in Physiotherapy
- BSc (Hons) in Psychology
- BSc (Hons) in Occupational Therapy
- BSc (Hons) in Speech Therapy
- BA (Hons) in Health and Social Care
- Radiography
- Midwifery and Nursing
- Paramedic Science
- Podiatry
- Healthcare Science
- NHS Practitioner Training Programme
- Special Educational Needs Teacher
- Social Worker
- Care Worker
- Primary School Teacher
How can parents support their child’s learning
- encourage your child to take part in a range of different social interactions or voluntary work to gain as much experience and people skills as possible
- watch a film or TV programme together, discuss the health or social issues it raises, explore how health professionals are portrayed, discuss how needs of individuals are met or not met in those situations and the ethical implications for them
- provide a suitable learning environment for independent study, proof read written assignments to support ongoing literacy skills
- support independent study as this is critical to ensure coursework is completed on time, revision is done for exams and homework tasks completed
- ask your child to describe what they learnt in their lesson
- get your child to explain or describe an aspect of what they learnt today, see if they can help you remember it, as this will help ensure they understand it and consolidate their own learning and be able to explain it in their own words.
- get your child to regularly create revision posters / flash cards to help recap information
- use your child’s workbooks / revision posters / flash cards to ask them questions and test their knowledge / help them to revise it regularly e.g. on a car journey, whilst making/eating dinner.
Useful Links
- Health and Social care
- Public Health
- Hertfordshire health –
- Biological systems
- Anatomy and physiology
- Mental health
- Quizlet for Anatomy and physiology
- Psychology
For More Information contact Mrs K. Brooks, Townsend Church of England School.