The Neurodiversity Support Hub
Please see details about the launch of The Neurodiversity Support Hub. Following a pilot phase which is being rolled out across Hertfordshire, thanks to funding from both Herts County Council (HCC) and the NHS.
The Hub has initially been funded until the end of March 25 and ADD-Vance have been commissioned to run the Hub, which is open Monday – Friday 9am-1pm.
The Hub is staffed by experts, they can answer any questions to do with Neurodiversity, however big or small, or just be a listening ear. Please note, no diagnosis is required to access the support and the helpline is open to parents, carers and professionals.
The Hub can be contacted by phone on 01727 833963, with an answerphone facility for out of hours or by email at
Kind Regards,
Mrs Sibley
Inclusion Manager