End of Year Celebration Events
You are warmly invited to attend our end of Year Celebration of Achievement Award. The event aims to review the year that has just gone and celebrate the successes of our students.
The dates for the assemblies are:
Year 7- Monday 15th July- 2pm start
Year 8- Tuesday 16th July- 2pm start
Year 9- Wednesday 17th July- 2pm start
Year 10- Thursday 18th July- 2pm start
Year 12- Thursday 18th July- 2pm start
These will take place in the hall apart from the Year 12 which is in the Discovery Centre.
The proceedings will start promptly at 2pm and end at approximately 3pm. The afternoon will include refreshments, and there will be an opportunity for your child to introduce you to their friends and teachers.
Please be seated by 1:50pm to ensure a prompt start to the celebration.
Please could you confirm your attendance by 5th July 2024 by completing the google form https://forms.gle/azCcSS2NECkmtkxt9
(Please complete the form for each of your children is applicable )
I hope very much that you will be able to join us for this celebratory event.
Yours Sincerely
Mr Armitage
Assistant Headteacher