The Drama and Theatre A Level syllabus inspires students to become independent theatre makers with the theoretical & practical skills needed to go on to higher education and foster a life long love of theatre, weather they chose to study drama and theatre or go into other fields.
Students will develop transferable skills that will serve them throughout their careers and lives such as; teamwork, communication, problem solving, leadership, time management, creativity and imagination, all of which are skills that higher education facilities and employers truly value.
Course Details
A Level Drama and Theatre, AQA
Specification – https://www.aqa.org.uk/subjects/drama/a-level/drama-and-theatre-7262
Course Description
This interesting and exciting course has a practical focus alongside research and theoretical understanding, allowing students to learn through experience, seeing theatre and making theatre for themselves. Students are introduced to a wide range of theatrical styles and contexts as they explore plays practically, devise and work on performances.
The AQA specification offers learners the opportunity to develop their own theatrical talents whilst exploring a broad range of theatre forms and engaging set texts.
Programme of Study
Component 1 – Drama and Theatre – (Written Examination) – 40%
In this component, students will develop knowledge and understanding of key aspects of Drama & Theatre – Set Texts and Live Theatre Evaluation – as an essential basis for analysing theatre and stagecraft. This cumulates in a written exam which has three sections all with a choice of questions, two of which are set text and one of which is on the work of live theatre makers.
Component 2 – Creating Original Drama – (Practical Coursework) – 30%
In this component students are required create a live performance of and original devised piece of theatre. Their pieces must be influenced by the work and methodology of a prescribed theatre practitioner (list given by exam board).Students pieces of original theatre can be inspired by a stimuli of their choice and can be about any topic. Students must also submit a written working notebook of their devising journey. Students can contribute as a performer, designer or director.
Component 3 – Making Theatre (Practical Coursework) – 30%
In this component students will practically explore an interpretation of three extracts of script from three separate plays. They will need to apply the practices and methodology of a prescribed theatre practitioner (list given by exam board). Extract three will be performed as a final assessed piece, students must also submit a written reflective report to accompany their performance. Students can contribute as a performer, designer or director.
Component 1 – Drama and Theatre
- Written examination – 3 hours
- Open Book
- 40% of qualification
- 80 marks
Component 2 – Creating Original Drama
- Non-exam assessment: internally assessed and externally moderated by the exam board.
- 30% of qualification
- 60 marks (Devised performance – 20 marks – Working Notebook – 40 marks)
Component 3 – Making Theatre
- Non-exam assessment: visiting examiner – marked by the exam board.
- 30% of qualification
- 60 marks (Extract 3 performance – 40 marks – Reflective report – 20 marks)
Home Learning
- In 6th form you will be set weekly tasks to complete for the following weeks lessons.
- We also expect students to be self-starters and independent learners and read around the subject regularly.
- If you have ‘spare time’, make sure that it is not wasted.
- If you have completed work set by the teacher do some extra work.
- Students are expected to organised their own additional rehearsal times with class mates.
- See as much live theatre as possible at every opportunity you get, all experience is good experience.
Where can Drama take you
Further Study
Degrees / Courses in:
- Performing arts
- Design
- Film Studies
- Directing
- Drama Therapy
- Television Studies
- Advertising
- History of theatre
This course allows students to gain an insight into a vast range of theatre styles but also valuable transferable life skill and would be beneficial in a number of jobs including:
- Performing Arts
- Broadcasting
- Teaching
- Therapy
- Theatre Manager
- Design
- Film production
- Journalism
- Music
- Publishing
- Sales
- Hospitality
How can parents support their child’s learning
- Encourage your child to watch live theatre, recorded theatre productions count too.
- Encourage your child to read plays and scripts.
- Encourage your child to join in with extracurricular activities in the Drama department or outside of school
- Take an interest in your child’s learning when completing work at home.
Useful Links
- Exam Board – https://www.aqa.org.uk
- BBC Bitesize – www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize
- Digital Theatre – https://www.digitaltheatre.com
- National Theatre – https://www.nationaltheatre.org.uk
For more information contact Mrs V Coates, Townsend Church of England School.