Sports Day is on Friday, 28th June, from 12 – 3 pm.
Please find below a few reminders to ensure that your son or daughter is fully prepared for the event and that everyone has an enjoyable Sports Day.
· Students are allowed to come to school in their PE kit.
· Ensure they have their own sun cream with them and apply it prior to, and during, the event. We are not allowed to provide or apply sun cream to students.
· Make sure they have plenty of water to drink throughout the day. Students may not consume energy drinks; these are not allowed in school. The canteen staff will be selling refreshments during the event. Students must have cash with them for this as they will be based outside. Items for sale (eg. lollies, water, etc.) will cost around £1 each.
· Ensure they have suitable equipment, e.g. sunhat, sunglasses, as well as jumpers and trousers to cover and protect their skin.
· Ensure they are aware of all the shaded areas available during the afternoon. The main area is the new canopy shelter next to the large canteen. Additionally, there will be gazebos set up on the school field that students can use throughout the day.
· The event will finish at 3:15 pm, at which point students will remain with their forms on the field awaiting the final results announcement. Once the bell rings at 3:25, students will be dismissed. Students are allowed to go home in their PE kit on Friday.
Any Year 11 student wishing to attend Sports Day may only do so to support the PE staff in helping to run an event. Year 11 students must see Mrs Aubrey or Mr Hill by to Friday 21st June to arrange this.
Parent/Carers are welcome to attend Sports Day, if you are attending you will need to sign in via the green gates near the car park where you will be signed in and advised where your allocated seating is.
Thank you for your support in ensuring that Sports Day is an enjoyable event.
Mr Hill
PE Teacher