Rewards Trips
Congratulations to all pupils who have been invited on the Rewards Trips/Events. The pupils have been invited based on the conduct points they have accumulated over the first term.
The dates of the trips/events are as follows.
Wednesday 22nd January 2025- Silver Trip- Hollywood Bowl, Watford.
Friday 25th January 2025- Bronze Trip- Film and refreshments- In School
Monday 3rd February 2025- KS4 and 5 Gold Trip- Whipsnade Zoo
Wednesday 5th February 2025- KS3 Gold Trip- Whipsnade Zoo.
Parents and Carers, you will have received an email with the details of the trip and how to pay if your child has been invited on either the Gold or Silver Trips. Pupils will also have received a hard copy of the letter.
If you wish for your child to attend the trip, please could you make payment by Friday 24th January for the Gold Trip and Friday 17th January for the Silver Trip. All payments can be made on School Gateway.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact school.
Mr Armitage
Assistant Headteacher