Year 10 Work Experience
Year 10 students have now all been given their PIN and a student ‘Quick Guide’ to enable them to access the work experience website to start choosing their work experience placements.
A reminder that Year 10 students should be choosing 3 placements and rank ordering them from 1-3 in order of preference. Students cannot be guaranteed their first choice, so all 3 of their work experience placement choices need to be ones which they can get to and would be happy doing for the week. If your son or daughter has organised a private placement by completing the appropriate form and returning it to school, they will not need to choose a placement from the website.
All private placement forms should be returned to school no later than February half term. It is expected that all Year 10 students will be on a work experience placement during the week of 12th-16th May 2025.
Mrs Davey
Assistant Headteacher