Our intent in Psychology is for students to be inquisitive about human behaviour and the study of the mind. Our curriculum aims to engage students to think in a critical and scientific way.
To be able to challenge theories and research, and to think about issues from different perspectives. We want to promote an awareness of mental health and current psychological issues. This will enable students to have a greater understanding of human nature that will remain with them in their future lives.
Course Details
AQA Psychology A level Specification code: 7181, 7182
Specification –
Course Description
This A Level Psychology Course will give you an understanding of the way people think and why people behave in certain ways. You will learn a variety of skills including analytical thinking, improved communication, problem solving and many more that will prepare you for an exciting future with the possibility of a range of fantastic careers. Psychology students develop a broad understanding of human behaviour as well as the skills to understand and interpret research findings concerning human behaviour. The psychology curriculum includes courses in cognitive, developmental, behavioural and neural studies, learning, social and clinical psychology. The course emphasises the fundamental concepts and scientific methods of this basic behavioural science discipline.
Programme of Study
This qualification is linear. Linear means that students will sit all their exams at the end of the course.
Year 12
- Research Methods
- Social influence
- Memory
- Attachment
- Psychopathology
- Bio-psychology
Year 13
- Forensic Psychology
- Relationships
- Schizophrenia
- Issues and Debates
- Research methods
For more information on each subject please visit the website:
There are 3 papers to sit in year 13 that cover all the learning over the linear course of two years. Throughout the course we have mid and end of unit tests to assess learning as well as completing weekly homeworks and quizzes. The subject content are assessed as follows:
Paper 1 – Introductory Topics in Psychology
- written exam: 2 hours
- 96 marks in total
- 3% of A Level
Paper 2 – Psychology in Context
- written exam: 2 hours
- 96 marks in total
- 3% of A Level
Paper 3 – Issues and Options in Psychology
- written exam: 2 hours
- 96 marks in total
- 3% of A Level
Home Learning
Students are expected to complete set home learning each week from both psychology teachers. They will also be expected to complete Seneca assignments and revision for topic tests.
Students should be reading through their class notes after each lesson to check what they understood, so they can ask their teacher questions or for more help if needed, as well as to help them store the information learnt in their long term memory.
To help them with revision for the exams, students should create revision resources for each topic as they are learning them, rather than leave it all to the end, as this will save them time in year 13, and also help store the information in their long term memory as they will be recalling it more regularly.
Where can Psychology take you
Further Study
Psychology A Level can lead onto University degrees in:
- Clinical Psychology
- Sport Psychology
- Forensic Psychology
- Neuroscience
- Bio-psychology
- Physiotherapy
- Nursing
- Social work
- Child psychology
- Teaching
- Clinical psychologist
- Counselling psychologist
- Educational psychologist
- Forensic psychologist
- Further education teacher
- Health psychologist
- High intensity therapist
How can parents support their child’s learning
- Tasks will be set weekly on google classroom.
- Encourage them to read about the topics we study,
Discuss their learning with them and engage with the new content they acquire in the classroom.
Useful Links
- Simply Psychology –
- Seneca Learning –
- Past papers and mark schemes –
For more information, contact Mrs G Llewellyn, Townsend Church of England School.