High Oaks, St. Albans, Hertfordshire, AL3 6DR | Tel: 01727 853047 | Email: admin@townsend.herts.sch.uk
If you’re interested in taking part, then sign up to audition on Monday 10th December during morning break time in the drama studio.
Auditions will take place on Wednesday 13th December. Starting at 3:30pm- 4:30pm in the school hall.
Good luck!
Mrs Coates
Head of Drama
They scored 18/20! Well done to the 5 representatives from the 7 York:
Daniel B
Kayla L
Alex N
Anahit B
Otis H
Well done to 7 Canterbury for coming second in the competition.
Years 8-10 will take part in a similar competition soon within the New Year, so look out for when your year group will take part!
Students from the winning form will get a home reward card and earn house points for their form group. Good Luck everyone!
Mrs Armitage
Head of Science
It is open to all year groups, come along to join in with the Christmas cheer, craft and festivities!
Mrs Buckland
Assistant Headteacher
There will be the option of;
Traditional Turkey Dinner with Chipolata Sausage, trimmings of Sage and Onion Stuffing served with Roast Potatoes and a choice of Seasonal Veg and Gravy
Festive Veggie Wellington, trimmings of Sage and Onion Stuffing, served with Roast Potatoes and a choice of Seasonal Veg and Vegetarian Gravy
Halal Chicken with Halal Sausage, trimmings of Sage and Onion Stuffing and Vegetarian Gravy served with Roast Potatoes and a choice of Seasonal Veg and Vegetarian Gravy
The cost of the Festive Feast is £3.50. If your child would like the Festive Feast then please make payment on School Gateway along with selecting the meal they would like. Payments must be made by Thursday 7th December.
Many Thanks,
Mr Armitage
Assistant Headteacher
Christmas Pantomime is on Friday 8th December
Please bring cash for the Christmas Hampers and other raffle prizes for the pantomime on Friday. All funds raised go towards student facilities.
Refreshments will be available on both nights.
Many Thanks,
High Oaks, St. Albans, Hertfordshire, AL3 6DR | Tel: 01727 853047 | Email: admin@townsend.herts.sch.uk